
Chess Websites: Fly Beyond Practicing!

Chess Websites: Fly Beyond Practicing!

Chess Websites: Fly Beyond Practicing!

Mastering chess is no exception to the wise saying- “Practice makes a man perfect.” That’s why it’s been quite easy for the chess players of this time to play, think and come up with a better strategy through playing more and more by practicing chess on various websites. However, in recent times, there have been a good number of resourceful websites to practice chess on. Here are some of the remarkable websites and their essences!

Chess.com : “The most down to earth” One!

The website with the most apparent name—Chess.com—delivers on its promise: everyone from beginners to grandmasters has a space here. Games may be played at any speed, with time constraints for each move ranging from a quick one minute per side to a leisurely five days.

Also, is the internet’s largest online chess community, with over 28 million members. You may play live chess with different time limits, as well as correspondence-style games with days per move. The basic membership is free, but premium members get access to additional training modules, videos, and data

Apart from all these, numerous articles by some of the world’s finest chess trainers can be found on Chess.com, which if read on a regular basis, can help you to broaden your strategic horizons and improve your arsenal of knowledge on a wide range of themes relating to the game.

Besides, this doesn’t tie the user with his computer as it also comes with a well facilitated phone app for its users.

Chess 24: The Most Comprehensive One!

Many people reckon chess24 as the #1 go-to spot for any motivated chess fan. The website provides a complete service that includes everything a chess player might want. There is not just a vast play zone where you can play against opponents of any level, but there are also several options for training. The Tactics Trainer helps you enhance your tactical abilities by presenting you with challenges tailored to your specific level, while a scoreboard allows you to see who is at the top and how you compare. In addition to this interactive instruction, the website provides video tutorials in which great players reveal their secrets.

In addition, you may use chess24 on your mobile device, since there are apps for both Android and iOS.

Lastly, it’s a platform where you may immerse yourself completely in the world of chess.

Lichess: Surf on a Formidable AI!

Lichess allows you to examine the games afterwards using a very prominent open-source chess engine Stockfish [2], which is however the world’s best chess AI before it was dethroned by Google’s AlphaZero. It can swiftly evaluate situations and determine which side is stronger and by how much. Lichess has a very handy feature that depicts how many top players have made the moves that you and your opponent made, as well as the results of those games or where the game would have gone for a single decision. You may even go back in time and play previous games by masters that are most similar to the one you just played. After each game, Lichess generates a graph that shows who was winning (according to Stockfish) at each move and how much that advantage rose or diminished with each move. Isn’t it amazing?

Chessable : Focused to Teach!

Chessable is a newcomer to the world of online chess, but it offers a few qualities that set it apart from the competition. Chessable, unlike the other sites on this list, is only dedicated to teaching chess. It employs a few novel techniques to guarantee that you improve your game, such as teaching via repetition. You are more likely to recall a few solid movements if you are taught them and practice them often. Even skilled gamers will find considerable resources in the site’s free edition. On the site, you may download free chess books and practice tactics, opening games, and end games. The premium version isn’t cheap, costing $10 every month, but it offers one feature that you could like a lot: the opportunity to figure out which techniques bother you the most and practice them more than others. Fantastic! Isn’t it?

Chess Tempo: An Appealing Alternative!

Another enriched chess site worth visiting if you want to enhance your efficiency is Chess Tempo. Aside from the fact that the appearance of this chess training website is a little overcomplicated and confusing, the program is quite simple to use, making it an appealing alternative for online chess teaching. The website is highly recommended since it offers various free training resources for players of all skill levels. You may solve strategies in full screen mode, with just the board visible, and you can get a performance report for your current training session. The software has a frequently updated database that lets you to examine recent games by strong Grandmasters or investigate specific openings. A unique endgame training tool allows you to play endgames against the computer, get comments, and obtain an endgame rating.

ICC: A Place for the Adept Ones!

The Internet Chess Club, popularly known as ICC in the chess world, is a website where serious high-ranking players [3] are often found socializing and discussing chess. There are no free tiers on this chess server, and if you have mastered your abilities and want to play against more experienced opponents than the free sites can provide, ICC is the place to go. As a novice, you shouldn’t bother with ICC since it’s going to be overkill for someone who’s just getting started. However, if you want to get a feel for playing against pros, the International Cricket Council (ICC) is one of the greatest online tools. The fee of membership is $10 per month.


Practicing chess is an indispensable art of achieving excellence. If you want to be technically sound and you’re facing different people across the world, playing chess online on various websites would be a smart move for you to make! So, what’s holding you back! Click, play and enjoy!