
Cognitive Benefits of Playing Chess

Cognitive Benefits of Playing Chess

Cognitive Benefits of Playing Chess

Chess is a fascinating game that is enjoyed by people all around the globe. For three reasons, chess is a suitable arena for a meta-analysis of the link between cognitive capacity and skill. To begin with, chess is one of, if not the most, extensively researched areas in expertise research—the “Drosophila” (fruit fly) of expertise research.

Second, unlike many other fields, chess has an objective measure of talent. Finally, chess is a difficult and solely intellectual game. Chess training has been suggested to improve the mathematics abilities of primary and middle school children. Some scientific evidence supports the “Chess Effect” concept. Playing chess has a variety of cognitive benefits.


It stimulates your brain development

Chess and other brain games put the brain to the test and push neurons to interact throughout the brain. With more interconnections, neuronal transmission within the brain becomes faster and more efficient. Chess is an excellent expression of human interaction that stimulates neuronal connections.


Chess aids you in comprehending the viewpoints of others

Chess masters learn to predict their opponents’ upcoming actions. A player must develop the skills to adopt another person’s perspective and discern what actions they are likely to do in order to forecast what they’ll be doing. The ability to observe things from a different perspective is referred to as “theory of mind” by behavioral scientists. It’s a skill that’s required for empathetic behavior and the development of healthy social interactions. Children who play chess develop this perspective-taking capacity, according to a 2019 study Trusted Source.


Chess enhances your memorizing skill

Grandmasters have powerful hands, which may come as no surprise. After all, the game necessitates memorizing a large number of different moves and their possible outcomes. It’s also worth noting that experienced chess players have better performance when it comes to a certain type of memory: auditory memory. This is the ability to recall information obtained through hearing.

In one study, the memory ability of experienced chess players was compared to that of persons who had never played the game. Chess players were shown to be substantially better at remembering lists of words than persons who had never played the game. Chess players with advanced skills have an above-average capacity to memorize and detect visual patterns, which they believe comes from memorizing difficult chess positions.


Chess allows you to enter a state of flow

Flow is a very satisfying state of entire engagement in which you are performing at your best in a difficult endeavor. Athletes, artists, and entertainers frequently report experiencing a time warp in which they are so completely concentrated on the activity at hand that all awareness of anything else fades away.

Electroencephalograms (EEGs) collected when people are in a state of flow show an increase in theta waves, according to researchers studying brain function. Brain imaging of grandmasters during progressively tough chess matches revealed the same high levels of brainwaves.

Playing chess improves your creative thinking skills:

The creative thinking abilities of two groups of pupils were examined at a school in India. There were two groups, one of which had chess training and the other of which did not. In the exams, students were challenged to think outside the box when it came to finding new uses for familiar objects.

Chess players did better in school. Students’ ability to engage in divergent and creative thought was found to be enhanced by playing chess, according to the findings.


Chess improves your ability to plan:

Chess games are noted for long periods of silence during which players contemplate each move. Players spend a lot of time trying to guess what their opponents will do next.


One of the cognitive health benefits of chess is the habit of mind it fosters: meticulous contemplation and planning. The Tower of London exam, which involves pegs and beads and measures planning ability, was administered to two groups of people by Source.

The people who played chess on a regular basis had much higher planning skills than those who didn’t. Also, during the test, members in the chess group took much longer to make decisions.

Chess can improve the efficacy of therapy

Some therapists and counselors play chess with their clients to help them become more self-aware and develop more effective therapeutic connections. Chess, which is regarded a creative treatment approach, allows you to observe your reactions to stress and problems as they develop during a game. Your therapist is present to assist you in evaluating your behaviors and learning more about why you react the way you do to challenges.

People who play chess may be less likely to get dementia

People who play chess have to have a lot of mental flexibility, and this could help keep older people from getting dementia. Researchers found that playing a game that tests your memory, analysis, visual-spatial skills, and basic qualities may help you to keep your brain sharp as you get older.

Playing electronic chess could help you avoid a panic attack:

There haven’t been any large-scale research that show chess applications can assist minimize panic attack symptoms. An individual who suffered from panic attacks was able to utilize a chess app on their phone to boost their sense of calm and prevent a panic episode from escalating in a 2017 case study. Finding just the appropriate level of challenge to occupy his attention and divert him from negative feelings was the key to success.

To sum up everything, it should be mentioned that; while playing chess your brain is forced to use logic, build pattern recognition, make visual and logical judgments and check your memory. Chess may be enjoyed by people of all ages; thus, these cognitive workouts can be a part of your brain’s health for the rest of your life.