
Positional play in chess and How to improve it ?

Positional play in chess and How to improve it ?

Positional play in chess refers to the strategy of controlling and manipulating the board through advantageous piece placement and pawn structure. It is a critical aspect of the game and can often be the deciding factor in determining the outcome of a match.

In chess, the player who has control over the majority of the board is said to have a strong position. This is achieved through careful planning and strategic piece placement. A strong position allows a player to limit their opponent’s options, control key squares and create threats.

One of the key elements of positional play is pawn structure. Pawns serve as the backbone of the position and their placement can greatly impact the player’s ability to control the board. A strong pawn structure can be used to restrict the opponent’s pieces and create space for the player’s pieces to move. On the other hand, a weak pawn structure can leave the player’s pieces vulnerable to attack and limit their mobility.

Another important aspect of positional play is piece placement. Pieces should be placed in positions where they have maximum mobility and control over key squares. Knights, for example, are best placed on outposts, which are squares that cannot be attacked by the opponent’s pawns. Bishops are most effective when placed on open diagonals, as they can control large sections of the board.

In addition to pawn structure and piece placement, tactical considerations also play a crucial role in positional play. A player must be able to identify potential threats and be prepared to neutralize them. They must also be able to create threats of their own and make the best use of their pieces.

How to improve positional play in chess ?

Improving positional play in chess requires a combination of study, practice, and experience. Here are some tips to help you improve your positional play:


1- Study the classics: Study the games of the great positional players such as Jose Capablanca, Anatoly Karpov, and Garry Kasparov to learn how they controlled the board and built up their positions.

2- Analyze your own games: After each game, take time to analyze your play and identify areas where you can improve your positional play.

3-Practice tactics: Positional play and tactics go hand in hand. Working on your tactical ability will help you identify potential threats and opportunities in your positions.

4-Play slow games: Playing slow games allows you to think more deeply about your moves and consider the positional consequences of each move.

5-Study endgames: Endgames are an excellent opportunity to practice positional play. In the endgame, there are fewer pieces on the board, making it easier to see the effect of each move on the position.

6-Learn pawn structure: Understanding pawn structure is critical to improving your positional play. Study the different pawn structures and learn how to use them to your advantage.

7-Seek guidance: Consider taking lessons from a chess coach or participating in a chess club to receive feedback and guidance on your positional play.

Remember, improving your positional play takes time and patience. Keep practicing, studying, and analyzing your games, and you will see improvement in your positional play over time.

In conclusion, positional play is a critical aspect of chess and requires a deep understanding of the game. It involves careful planning, strategic piece placement, and the ability to create and neutralize threats. A player who excels in positional play is often able to control the game and gain a decisive advantage over their opponent.